The General Practitioner education Aruba (HOVUMC) was started in 2009 as part of a project to strengthen GP care in Aruba. It is an initiative of the Ministry of Public Health Aruba and is developed by the General Practitioner education at VU Medical Centre in Amsterdam in collaboration with the Department of Public Health on Aruba and HAVA. The General Practitioner education Aruba is currently housed at the medical centre “Instituto Medico San Nicolas” (abbreviated with IMSAN).
A basic physician can follow the 3-year specialization education to become a GP. This consists of (on average) 1 day of cursory education per week and 4 days of internship in the practice.
The programme fully meets the requirements of the Dutch General Practitioner education and upon completion, the GP must register in the AruBIG (the Aruban register of Healthcare Professions).
The diploma is also valid in the Netherlands, which makes registration in the BIG register possible.
During the training one has an employment contract with IMSAN and AZV (“Algemene Ziektekosten Verzekering”, which is Dutch for the General Medical Insurance in Aruba).
For more information about HOVUMC, please contact Mrs. Wever at