ORANJESTAD Huisartsenpost Oranjestad (Horacio E. Oduber Hospital) T: 5274000 Mon – fri: 06:00-10:00 pm Sat + Sun: 09:00 am-01:00 pm & 06:00-10:00 pm SAN NICOLAS IMSAN of Huisartsenpost Oranjestad |
ORANJESTAD Benu Botica Central Santa Cruz 262 T: 5851965 SAN NICOLAS Botica San Nicolas B. v/d Zeppenveldstraat 47 T: 5845712 |
What can we tell you about 2022?
Read more details in the HAVA’s annual report 2022 by clicking on the next button.
We gladly inform you about the procedure ‘Carta di AO’, sick note, via this flyer!
Be kept informed about the current topics regarding the GP’s in Aruba, this is also possible by liking and following our Facebook page HAVA Aruba.
Did you see this flyer in the GP office? This contains information regarding the monitoring system for infectious diseases. This is a collaboration project between the research institute Nivel in the Netherlands and the General Practitioners in Aruba.
Are you already informed about the changes with regard to the list of medication that are covered by AZV and that will be effective on October 1st, 2022?
NOTE: video is in Papiamento!
To book a Covid-19 test with the help of the Aruba Health App, “click here” for more information.
HAVA is working closely with the Department of Public Health on Aruba (in Dutch called “Directie Volksgezondheid” with the abbreviation DVG) in connection with the Covid-19 situation in Aruba. For the latest updates and developments regarding the coronavirus, you can visit our website or Facebook page (@huisartsenaruba).
JUNE 2023 | Doctor Every stopped as GP since June 1st and is enjoying her retirement. The new GPs, who will continue to provide professional primary care services, are doctor Essed and doctor Bislip.
MARCH 2023 | Aruba has two new GP’s. Frederika Rangel and Kiana de Lannoy recently finished their GP study in Aruba. HAVA wishes them success with their career.
OCTOBER 2022 | Koemarie Ramautar, MD stopped her career as GP on October 1st and will be enjoying a well-deserved retirement. The temporary replacement, until a permanent GP is arranged, is Hernandez, MD.
AUGUST 2022 | Monitoring infectious diseases in Aruba.
Maybe you’ve already seen the poster hanging in your doctor’s waiting room? General practitioners in Aruba will collaborate with research institute Nivel in the Netherlands to combat infectious diseases more effectively. To this end, a system has been set up in Aruba – just like in the
Netherlands – to monitor the spread of infectious diseases: the Primary Care Registration Network
Aruba. With the information collected within this network, increases in infectious diseases can be identified in time and targeted measures can be taken if necessary. This will lead to an improvement of public health in Aruba.
JULY 2022 | Cynthia Wijngaarde, MD stopped with her GP practice in Aruba on July 1st and continues her career in the Netherlands. Her patients now fall under the HOED (General Practitioners under one roof) practice and the transfer of the patients to the HOED will be automatically processed. Contact information of the HOED practice is available on our website under the tab “Information General Practitioners”.
MARCH 2022 | www.havaruba.org, the new website of the Aruban GP’s. Collect information in an easy and accessible way. (Source: AZV Pulso Magazine, March & April 2022, edition 51, page 6).
Pulso Magazine – Algemene Ziektekosten Verzekering (AZV)Algemene Ziektekosten Verzekering (AZV)
JANUARY 2022 | Stakeholders, HAVA included, sign collaborative protocol for Mental Health Care (Source: Local media group NPC, 12 January 2022).
SEPTEMBER 2021 | At the end of September 2021, the AruBIG register (the Aruban register of Healthcare Professions) was introduced in Aruba. This is an online, public and by law established register.
HAVA, abbreviation for ”Huisartsen Vereniging Aruba” which is the Dutch translation for Association of General Practitioners in Aruba, represents the common interests and acts as the spokesperson for the General Practitioners (GP’s) on the island. HAVA, as an official organization, is active since 1982. Our policy is aimed at uniting, strengthening and representing all GP’s. All the GP’s on the island, these are more than 40, are members of HAVA.
The GP plays a pivotal role in healthcare and is the first point of contact for patients. As part of this essential function, we as HAVA provide broad, professional support to our members.
At HAVA, GP’s come together to discuss medical and political current affairs and to formulate joint positions for structural, positive development of patient care and the position of the GP within the healthcare landscape.
In order to have the best possible connection with foreign consultative bodies, HAVA works according to the guidelines of the Dutch College of General Practitioners (in Dutch called the “Nederlandse Huisartsen Genootschap” and abbreviated with NHG).
“Chasing Health” podcast is a show that covers a wide range of topics related to care and health. Every Thursday at 8:00 pm (Aruba time) you can listen to a new episode.
“Chasing Health” is a collaboration between HAVA, the Department of Public Health and the Ministry of Tourism and Public Health.
“De huisartsenzorg op Aruba: gezien vanuit de bevolking, de patiënten en de zorgverleners”
(“General Practitioner Care in Aruba: seen from the point of view of the population, the patients and the caregivers”)
This report (2021, only available in Dutch) gives a good picture of primary care in Aruba and how the situation can be further strengthened.