Information about GP's on Aruba

At national level, HAVA GP’s participate in various committees, which investigate certain themes and set a plan on how to move forward by working in groups. Relevant parties are involved for each theme. In addition to the HAVA GP’s, the initiators of these committees can also be other local or international organizations that are active in the medical and healthcare sector.

Next you can read more about these committees.

FTO committee

Subject: Compulsory education between pharmacists and general practitioners.


External party involved: Certified Quality Consultant

FNP committee DM2 & CVRM protocol

Subject: Assessment protocol Diabetes mellitus type 2 and Cardiovascular risk management by FNP (nurse practitioner) of pilot practice.

GP-Emergency department chain care

Subject: Cooperation with Emergency Department for evening and night care, making shift schedule and solving eventual problems.


External party involved: Cluster manager and Care manager of the Emergency Department at the HOH (Dr. Horacio E. Oduber hospital)

HAVA wishes commiittee

Subject: Negotiation of employment contract with AZV (“Algemene Ziektekosten Verzekering”, translated into English as the General Medical Insurance). 

ICT committee

Subject: Quality assurance and control of HIS Promedico (= GP Information System).


External parties involved: IT Consultant and AZV (“Algemene Ziektekosten Verzekering”, translated into English as the General Medical Insurance)

Quality committee

Subject: Development of quality goals for the care, which the GP can adhere to with the aim to improve primary care quality.


External party involved: The General Medical Insurance, AZV, is responsible for the check and if the goal(s) is/are reached, it will pay out a compensation

Complaints committee Aruba

Subject: Handling of complaints submitted against HAVA General Practitioners.

Committee HAVA Infectious diseases

Subject: Cooperation with AZV and the secondary care for monitoring matters, such as protocols and policies, with regard to infectious diseases.


External parties involved: AZV (“Algemene Ziektekosten Verzekering”, translated into English as the General Medical Insurance) and the secondary care 

Private nursing homes

Subject: Improving and structuring GP care in private nursing homes with the aim of having one permanent GP per nursing home.


External parties involved: Public Health Care Inspection, Department of Public Health, Department of Social Affairs, General Health Insurance and CEDE Aruba (Social Fund)

Mental Health Care steering group

Subject: Improving, strengthening and making Mental Health Care more accessible. 


External parties involved: Department of Public Health, Ministry of Public Health, Social Psychiatric Department, Support Desk Addiction care, Aruba Anti-Drugs Foundation and Aruba Addiction Policy Foundation

Refer committee

Subject: Organizing specific, joint lectures for general practitioners and specialists with the aim for a better communication and cooperation between primary and secondary care.


External party involved: secondary care medical specialists

Committee doctor's assistants training programme

Subject: Set up and coordinate training programme of doctor’s assistants.


External party involved: Mondriaan College 

AGA committee

Subject: Advising the Minister of Public Health on medication to be registered on the positive list, i.e. the medication that should be reimbursed by the General Medical Insurance.


External parties involved: specialists in paid employment, self-employed specialists, drug inspector, pharmacists, hospital pharmacist, General Medical Insurance’s pharmacist.

Yellow cluster

Subject: Cluster for policy-making and the execution hereof with regard to medical care in the event of a disaster relief.


External parties involved: Bureau of Disaster Management and the stakeholders in the medical system


Subject: Implementation early detection system of infectious diseases on Aruba and the other Caribbean Dutch islands. 


External parties involved: Nivel (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research) and RIVM (Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment)

Health Promotion Platform

Collaboration between healthcare stakeholders with the aim to support each other in coordination of projects, initiatives and events, also regarding promotional activities.

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