Information about GP's on Aruba


The GP is the first point of contact when care is needed for a health problem and also tries to contribute to the provision of information in the general sense.

In addition to following the GP’s treatment plan, it is also important that patients have access to good and reliable information through the GP.

This information relates to service organisations on Aruba that have expertise and knowledge of certain conditions or offer support in certain situations. In addition, the website is also a recommended source of health information.

Below, you find an overview of websites that can be of support for the patient before, during and after the consultation.

Update Covid-19 situation in Aruba

Reporting line at Social Insurance Bank (SVB) when worker is unable to work

Fundacion Diabetes Aruba

(Diabetes Foundation)


(Foundation mental health care)

Famia Planea Aruba

(Foundation reproductive and sexual health)


(Foundation early detection breast cancer)

Hospice Atardi 

(Foundation institution palliative and terminal care)

Fundacion pa hende muhe den dificultad

(Foundation against relationship violence)

Mary Joan Foundation

(Foundation guidance and support for breast cancer patients)

Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds

(Foundation for prevention and treatment of cancer)

(Health information developed and maintained by the Dutch College of GP’s)

(Independent information about healthy, safe and sustainable food)

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